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We have all been through tough times. For most of us at least, there got to be a time where you feel like the whole world hates you, or dislike your company. That feeling sucks right? That’s why, your friendly editor of this page, has collated a few tips on how to a more LIKEABLE person, both at school and work! This works for family and friends too!

1. Quit the black face

As blunt as the heading goes, quit showing a moody face in front of others. Even though some things might have pissed or triggered you, try to be positive and show smilies. Imagine yourself seeing others being moody, not fun at all, right? That’s right, people’s mood will tend to greatly affect yours and vice versa!

2. Do not argue with others

When there are humans, there tend to be conflicts. (Our Prime Minister is no exception!) Arguing with others not only hurt all parties’ feelings but also changes negatively on how others see you. Be the bigger man and start learning to give in more. No arguments = Better relations!

3. Do not talk over others

Always respect others when they talk, and quit using your phones whenever there is interaction. (yes, we know it’s hard) Always maintain eye contact and pay attention too!

4. Stop the gossips

Having a friend gossiping about you to another friend definitely isn’t fun, and so vice versa. By gossiping to your friend about another, they’ll probably know you talk about them to others too! Control what you say! This is so especially for secrets too!

5. Learn to take criticisms

As the heading mentions, take it with a positive outlook and try improving yourself with them instead of arguing. If you think they are just finding trouble, try avoiding by walking away or pretending not to hear.

6. Control your temper

Having someone steal your cereal in the fridge does not mean they stole your organs. You can still human and learn to forgive! Money can buy back those cereals, but can’t buy back impressions of yourself by others. Your work colleague giving you more work should not mean you should start shouting and cursing.

7. Praise your friends or work mates

Everyone loves being praised, and so do you. Start praising others and others will do the same! Positivity is everything!

8. Don’t try to compete with others continuously

Healthy competitions are fine, but when it gets too much, it isn’t great – at all.

9. Offer help whenever possible

Making others life a little easier by helping them, even small makes a big difference. Volunteering to help is even greater! Of course, do not let them start taking you for granted!


That’s all folks! We hope you have learned something from this article!

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